"VIKING SEA" nearly ready

It's been three months since my last "post" on this Blog, hope all the regular visitors will excuse me for this interval, I have been extremely busy travelling, so sometimes no time for regular postings, interesting as well noticing that my last entry was with the same theme as this one, the construction of the VIKING SEA and VIKING SKY, since November as you can see, the second of the six ships for VIKING OCEAN CRUISES, the VIKING SEA is all but finished, the ship will leave the shipyard on the 25th of March, in the meantime construction on the third ship, the SKY, is well and truly underway. Ancona is living challenging and prosperous times with the building of these ships, on my last photo above, behind the VIKING SKY, is noticeable the blocks that will soon be assembled of the new VIKING SUN, all the six ships are expected to be built at FINCANTIERI Ancona. Photos 26.2.2016