"SAGA RUBY" captured yesterday at Funchal by the lenses of local Keen enthusiast Joao Abreu

"SAGA RUBY" returns to this Blog, I am pretty confident that all the regular followers and readers of this website don't really mind for yet another "post" about this beautiful ship, particularly after seeing these amazing photos. I was checking my e-mails just now and there it was, another message from Joao Abreu, Madeira's ship enthusiast and Photographer with these photos attached, with them there was a message saying.... to quote " it's a shame she will not be around much longer, which is sad because these generation of passengers liners is almost finished", to this sentence I've replied, it truly is, she is one of the most beautiful ships at sea, if not the most beautiful, but here in the UK, as a nation of an incomparable Maritime History we have a duty to preserve this ship, if going back to cruising is asking for too much after 2014, at least preserve her as an Hotel/Conference Centre/Museum, after all she was the very last ...