Back in 1976, I was an 18 year old boy ready to go on board GUGLIELMO MARCONI, the ship at the time was operated by Italian Line on the EUROPEAN/SOUTH AMERICA route and I was about to do the european leg, from Lisbon we would go to Barcelona, Cannes, Genoa and Naples, stay there for five days and come back to Lisbon calling the same ports. It was an experience that I would never forget, I was already a passionate for passenger ships and the MARCONI was such a beautiful liner, a typical elegant Italian passenger ship, I spent most of the time at the bridge and at places that were tabu for passengers, I knew a lot of the crew because I was working for the ITALIAN LINEĀ“S agent in Lisbon so my working visits to the vessel were on monthly basis, so one can imagine the excitement of a zealot visiting the bridge, the engine room, officers quarters, it was incredible