Freestyle Cruise Concept and the "NORWEGIAN EPIC"

NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE  best known for its freestyle cruising was founded in 1966, they are based in Miami and today they operate the third largest passenger cruise ship, the massive "NORWEGIAN EPIC". Built in 2010 by STX at Saint-Nazaire, the vessel has 155.000 GRT and a top speed of 22.5 knots, the full capacity is 4200 passengers. Freestyle cruising means that there are no set times or seating arrangements and of course no formal attire, a lot of cruise passengers love the experience, two of my friends traveled on the ship this year and they loved the experience.I have seen the ship last sunday at Barcelona, she is not by any means an elegant cruise ship, far from that, she does look however, very modern, full of colour and joyful, and she has the most beautiful lifeboats I have ever seen. "NORWEGIAN EPIC" operates year round cruises based both in Barcelona and Miami, looking at the excitement of the passengers ready to go on board and start another cruise, she is by now a destination in itself, she cruises in moderate seas and warm climates, looking at the positioning of the lifeboats you can tell she was not designed for heavy seas, but for the role she was conceived, the ship is a very accomplished one


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